銆銆You are a dreamboat.浣犳槸浣嶏紙寮傛ф墍杩芥眰鐨勶級鐞嗘兂浜洪
銆銆You are such a dish.浣犳槸涓粷鑹茬編浜
銆銆I've been dying to meet you.鎴戦潪甯搁潪甯告兂瑙佸埌浣
銆銆Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold.姣忔鎴戣鍒颁綘锛屼綘閮戒笉鐫垜
銆銆I only have eyes for you .鎴戝彧鍦ㄦ剰浣
銆銆I'd do anything to see you crack a smile.涓轰簡鍗氬緱浣犵殑涓绗戯紝鎴戞儏鎰垮仛浠讳綍浜
銆銆You swept me off my feet.浣犱娇鎴戠榄傞鍊
銆銆You don't have a care in the world.浣犱笉鐭ヤ汉闂寸儲鎭间负浣曠墿
銆銆I'm still trying to get to second base with you.鎴戜粛鏃ц瘯鐫鎯冲拰浣犲彂灞曞埌鈥樼浜岄樁娈碘欙紙鍦ㄧ編鍥斤紝first base鎸囨媺鎵嬶紝鎺ュ惢锛宻econd base鎸囨姎鎽╃瓑锛宼hird base鎸囧仛鐖憋級
銆銆If you don't want to lose me, you'd better lay it on the line.濡傛灉浣犱笉鎯冲け鍘绘垜锛屽氨鏈濂戒竴浜斾竴鍗佸湴鍛婅瘔鎴戝惂 |